Infants: When Should I Discontinue Bottle Feeding My Baby? It is normal to ask when it...
Guide to Developmental Milestones and Feeding Skills From Birth to 36 Months The development of independent...
As you are likely aware, feeding times provide the nourishments infants need for the rapid...
Picky Eating Related to Autism Picky eating is a widespread concern among parents who wish to...
What are Feeding Developmental Delays? Feeding developmental delays refer to conditions that affect a child’s ability...
Explore our extensive library of information on pediatric feeding delays. Also known as avoidant or restrictive food intake disorders, these feeding delays cause concern due to potential weight loss and nutritional deficiency. Feeding disorders or disturbances can interfere with the ability to enjoy normal childhood activities as well as cause other problems resulting from decreased nutrient intake. Our library offers advice and help for a variety of conditions that can cause feeding delays, including oral motor disorders (such as dysphagia), problems with the central nervous system, sensory disorders, metabolic diseases, weak or underdeveloped muscles, or gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, we offer insight for parents, teachers, or caregivers concerned with the impact of child feeding apathy and the risks of malnourishment. Our range of topics on multidisciplinary intervention offers the best tools for understanding and overcoming feeding delays.